Native Plant Sales

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Willow Bundles Noble Fir Red osier dogwood Red Flowering Currant  

 NOTE:  The 2021 Plant Sale Is Over.  See you next year!





Our once yearly NATIVE PLANT SALE is held at

  16564 Bradley Road, Bow  (map below)

Click here for driving directions

to the Plant Sale site at the Plant Materials Center




For more information on purchasing plants for projects, please contact Joe at the District. or 360-428-4313 ext.1020



Click on the Links below for Planting Guides and Plant Information:


Buyer's Guide Heading



Establishing meadows from seed   Fire resistant plants


Planting Trees & Shrubs - WSU -FS047E

Selecting Plants for Pollinators

 Water-Wise Gardeneing with Pollinators

Conservation Cover for Pollinators

 Pacific Northwest Plants and the Birds that Use Them


How our plant sale operation works:

Our native plants come from the Plant Materials Center (PMC) that is owned by the Washington Association of Conservation Districts (WACD) and provides high quality conservation grade plants, shrubs, and services that benefit natural resources.  Their 60-acre bare-root nursery located in Bow, where the Skagit Conservation District’s plant sale is held every year, produces over 70 species of quality conservation seedlings and cuttings.  The Plant Materials Center provides plants to all the Conservation Districts around the state of Washington.

How the Conservation District works with the Plant Materials Center:
Every year, the Conservation District purchases a large order of plants from the PMC to sell at our annual plant sale.  The decision of what to supply, and how much, is based both on sales from the previous year, and what is available to us depending on the cultivating success of certain species that year.  Sometimes these plants are species that are grown on-site and some are brokered stock, which means that they are contracted out and grown elsewhere.  The plants are kept in the cold storage at the PMC until the day of the plant sale.  Because we don’t always know what our supply will be (especially if a certain species failed or ended up being too small to sell), we cannot guarantee that the species listed in the newsletter will be exactly what is available the day of the sale. 

Purpose of the Plant Sale:
The purpose of the plant sale is to promote natural resource conservation by providing quality, conservation-grade plants at wholesale prices to the public for use in conservation-related projects.  Some examples of conservation projects include erosion control, riparian restoration, reforestation, backyard habitat enhancement, wetland restoration and wildfire mitigation.  Proceeds from the plant sale help fund youth education efforts.

Open Sale Day:
For organization and budget purposes, our plant sale is run on a first come, first served basis.  We realize that the lines can get long and sometimes the atmosphere can become hectic.  We ask that you please be patient with the staff and our volunteers who work very hard to make the sale run as smoothly and seamlessly as possible for our customers.  Each year holds new challenges and we do our best to adjust and accommodate for them.  The Conservation District welcomes suggestions on how we can improve the process on sale days.  Thanks again for your patience.

Please note that these plants are conservation-grade.  They are intended for shelterbelts, erosion control, wildlife habitat and other conservation purposes.  Most of these plants are sold as bareroot seedlings and are generally not large; therefore high hauling capacity is NOT necessary. 

Non-plant items, including budcaps, and tree protectors may be available at the plant sales depending on the year.  A brochure entitled “How to Select, Plant and Care for Seedlings,” with tips on improving plant survival rate, is made available at the sales.


For more information on native plants, please visit the Washington Native Plant Society website.